Archive for April 5th, 2010

Release of Scotland Burns and the news for the week!

Monday, April 5th, 2010


In March on Book Island during the Emz Mazie’s taping of Horroraddicts I released in SL Scottland Burns! It was a great turnout Scotland Burns was played during the show, music from  Stephen Cooper and the movie review os Loch Ness Terror 2008 were discussed. As always Emerain Rick dazzled us with horror trivia, news and events from around the world. For the full show go to The costume contest:  500L was awarded to Farye Starscribe, she dressed as Nessie herself. The Dragon rides were a grand hit. Now it is time to bring it to you on this feed. Spread the word!  

This week I was featured in a down and drity interview about my writing on Lorna T. Suzuki’s blog at I currently have her novel on my to read list.

Insight Zadark podcrafters hours on Monday at both locations. First on Cookie Island  from 12:00-1:oo pm SLT then off to Book Island  1:00 to 2:00 when we start the reading of the chapter of The Mark of a Druid at the new celtic village on the beach!  And a special Easter Egg Hunt with 11 prizes hidden in eggs all over the Island. The clues will be given at the reading. Now not every egg has a prize, but 11 of them have 200L hidden within. At 5:00 Pm SLT the podcast of The Mark of a Druid will play also at the beach but on the stage. If there are any eggs left I will announce the clues again.

Thursday I will be intrviewing Secret Wolrd Chronicles Authors Mercedes Lackey, Dennis Lee and the voice talent of Veronica Giguere join BTR-PR. Currently Secret Wolrd Chronicle has 3 books on on Lets find out how they collaberate to produce.
Friday Imarad Breen will be at the  Cookie Island  from 1:00 to 1:30  then off to Book Island m 1:30 to 2:00

Now for your listening enjoyment here is Scotland Burns By Rhonda R. Carpenter. Guest voices by Mick Bordet author of Some Other Scotland, Grahan Davis a captive artist, and Mark Carpenter did an amazing job on all of the monster noises and sound effects and than kyou to for the cover art on this short.